Name your MarsPool LAND NFT

MarsPool NFT
2 min readMay 10, 2021

Yes, We have deployed the most awaited name-changing functionality in our dapp.

Now, you can give a unique name to your LAND NFT.

What are you waiting for? Give a name, and reserve that for your LAND.

The LAND NFT name comes with the following limitations

1.Cannot be longer than 25 characters

2.Cannot have spaces anywhere in the name

3.Cannot have special characters and acceptable characters are

[a-z] [A-Z][0–9]

LAND's name is stored in Binance Blockchain and will be unique across MarsPool. No two LAND NFT’s can have the same name.

Note: Each “CHANGE NAME” cost 350 SEED and SEED sent to the contract will be burnt.

Steps :

  1. Visit
  2. If you don't have an NFT, please get one from the same link
  3. Give a name without spaces and special characters [a-z] [A-Z][0–9]

4.Click CHANGE NAME button and observe the following

5. Once you Confirm in metamask, LAND will be named and stored in Binance Smart Chain

Error Conditions

  1. Name already reserved
  2. Insufficient SEED balance. Don’t worry, click “HARVEST SEEDS
  3. You have 1000 SEED as bonus if you acquired an NFT before May 20th 2021 05:05:05 GMT
  4. You have 500 SEED as bonus if you acquired later May 20th 2021 05:05:05 GMT

While “CHANGE NAME” is called exception will be thrown as shown below.

Happy naming your LAND !

