MarsPool Music (NFT)

MarsPool NFT
Jun 1, 2021

Dear MarsPool Community

We would like to introduce MarsPool NFT Music that will LIVE in Dfinity (TheInternetComputer)

With MarsPool Music,

Music creators shall be able to do the following

  1. Trade Music with NFT
  2. Receive Royalty for Music
  3. Avail a song for rent
  4. Create playlist
  5. Receive rental rewards for Songs

Music lovers shall be able to do the following

  1. Rent a song
  2. Rent a playlist
  3. Access all playlist with a monthly subscription
  4. Create Playlist
  5. Avail Playlist for rent
  6. Receive Playlist rental rewards

Please give a listen to MVP MarsPool Music.

Deployed in DFinity

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Get an MarsPool LAND NFT from

Currently, each NFT is 0.5 BNB and will be migrated to DFinity soon.

Thank you

